"She completely transformed and I was sooooo moved..."
4x world heavyweight champion “The Real Deal” Evander Holyfield was a featured Celebrity at Clint Arthur’s event:
Hey, I’m Evander Holyfield. I just got finished with Clint’s event at the CNN Center. Great work! Thank you.
Why Does This Home Repair Expert Invest MORE Money than Anyone in Clint Arthur’s Marketing Mentorship?
“Because Clint Arthur is rare.“
Clint: Hey man, we’ve been really spending a lot of time together. We did a Titanium Coaching day in Phoenix, and then we’ve been really together a LOT over the weekend for the Living Legends of Entrepreneurial Marketing; you were an Elite at the highest level with that; you’re doing all my highest-level stuff and investing a lot of money. Why are you doing this? Do you feel like you’re getting the value?
Tony Silva: Like Ice-T said (I got a great opportunity to meet him and talk to him a little bit) — when an opportunity comes, you’ve got to take it, and you’ve got to exploit it. Opportunities don’t just happen. And this is from a guy who knows. I relate to him: he really is ‘nobody’ from ‘nowhere’, just like me, except he was from the ‘hood, and I was from the mountains! But that guy SEIZED the Opportunity.
Why am I doing this? Because I don’t know when or where I will EVER meet (IF) another Clint Arthur. And the probability of that is probably NEVER. They’ll never “make” another Clint Arthur. There’s no guarantee that Clint Arthur will be doing this next YEAR — or next MONTH! He’s an entrepreneur himself!
You guys, you think he NEEDS this? He doesn’t need this! He doesn’t need my signature on the Titanium Coaching! He doesn’t NEED that — he does it because he LOVES IT. He does it because he WANTS to. And I pray he CONTINUES to, because Clint Arthur is the bridge, the good shortcut to fast-forwarding life to a future that you didn’t know was possible.
So why am I doing it? Because Clint is rare. Because Clint is truly an opportunity that, like I said to him when I met him, “I don’t know what I just signed up for but I know it’s gonna be good.” You meet people in life sometimes, and you just KNOW. This was an opportunity, and I took a chance — very low risk, honestly, because you just know when somebody knows what they’re talking about.
So I signed up with him back in February-March, and I just recognized an opportunity that Clint Arthur could be a bridge for me to get from here to somewhere I don’t know, to some ‘unknown better’!
And why do I do the Carnegie Hall Elite stuff? I mean, I just said it on your radio show — I honestly BELIEVE this: you can buy Cheap, and you can buy Twice. If you REALLY want — I mean, you don’t always get the best when you spend the most, but typically you do — and in this case, especially with Elite and all of your maximum offering, it’s really not that much more, and it’s like…. what are you doin’?
I mean, if you’re going to go to a nice restaurant, and you KNOW it’s going to be a few hundred dollars, DON’T GO THERE, unless you can actually afford to buy whatever is on the menu. Because you’re just going to disappoint yourself! Go to some place where you know the maximum spend is $150, so that you can benefit from the maximum of what that offering is.
It’s no different with Clint. I mean, here’s an elite guy. HE IS a unicorn HIMSELF. He may not do it forever, and you’re gonna get the benefit of that Elite higher-level stuff! You just will!
Clint: What about people who come in, and they’re thinking it’s a ‘scam’?
Tony: You know, ‘it’s a scam’… huh! A great mentor of mine, Larry McCracken, he used to say this: “someone who says something like that — and I mean no disrespect — is an ignorant mind expressing itself.” I truly believe that!
Look, there’s nothing wrong with being ignorant. I’m not telling, not saying a bad thing about anyone who would say that, no disrespect personally.
But Larry McCracken also used to tell me this: there’s a difference between being ignorant, and being stupid.
Ignorance is just not knowing any better: you just don’t know. And that’s okay! I mean, I’m ignorant about a ton of stuff! I don’t know everything about everything, I am ignorant when it comes to many things.
But I try not to be stupid, because stupid is ‘knowing better’ and doing it anyways.
I would just agree with Larry: if someone says Clint Arthur’s options and offers or whatever are a ‘scam’… it’s an ignorant mind expressing itself. No disrespect, but look, man! You just don’t know — OR, you didn’t use the assets like you were supposed to, and that’s gonna hurt! If that was you, if I’m talking to the guy that EVER says THAT to Clint… you didn’t implement the way you were supposed to.
Too often, in today’s age, I’ve experienced it in my own company. I’ve hired and fired hundreds of people. People have a difficult time taking personal responsibility when they screw up!
See More Reviews on Clint Arthur's YouTube Channel
“Personal Branding Is More Important Than Ever:” Read about Clint Arthur in his feature on BizCommunity.com
Clint Arthur, “The Most Famous Guy in the World that Nobody’s Ever Heard Of,” on CalBizJournal
Clint Arthur‘s Celebrity Launchpad in Forbes
Clint Arthur Reviews in The Wall Street Journal: “Meet The Guy Who Gets Financial Advisors Appearances at Harvard and West Point”
Clint Arthur has made 120+ interview appearances on network TV News & Talk Shows all across America, including on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, The CW, CNN, FOX Business Network’s Mornings with Maria, and even on The TODAY Show where he was interviewed by Brooke Shields & Willie Geist.
You can also find Clint’s latest news published in print on ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX news network sites.
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