These videos are from Elite-level attendees of the Living Legends of Entrepreneurial Marketing conference at Carnegie Hall, sharing their first-hand, unfiltered testimony of the high-quality experience they receive as Clint Arthur’s highest-level clients.
“When I did my presentation 2 days ago, my closing went from 20% to 50% — because the ONLY difference between my previous seminars and THIS seminar, was I said: ‘This week, I’ll be in Virginia on TV; next week, I’ll be in Washington DC on TV. This is why I won’t be able to see you within one week. I’ll see you back in two weeks!’
All because of what I was taught in Clint Arthur’s Celebrity Launchpad.”
“Hey! I’m Rick Jordan, host of the ‘All In with Rick Jordan’ podcast. I’m an entrepreneur — and this is my second time being invited by Clint Arthur to speak at the Harvard Club of Boston. I’m going to be back next year!
This is an amazing event where I’m able to network, and it’s just EXPANDING everything I do.
Heck — last year, Clint Arthur’s events have added another $500,000 in revenue to my businesses overall. If you’re not with Clint, you’re missing out!
This gives you the Status to put you in front of your customers & prospects on a much higher level. YOU GOTTA DO IT!”
“Hey, I’m Sue Mandell, and I have just finished the most amazing event at the Harvard Club of Boston. I spoke HERE at the Harvard Club — and I did that because of Clint Arthur!
The only reason I’m getting the type of Celebrity Attachment right now in my business is because Clint Arthur is holding my hand and taking me every step of the way.
Thank you so much, Clint! I appreciate all you’re doing.”
“Hey! I’m Greg Hanna, and I’m just completing this 3-day SUPER-immersive amazing speaker event as a Celebrity Entrepreneur with Clint Arthur.
Clint is the most AMAZING mentor that I’ve had the privilege of working with in quite a long time — almost in my entire career!
He ranks right up there with the greats: my buddy Zig Ziglar, and Jim Rohn… Clint is just a phenomenal guy. He has a unique twist and an ability to push you BEYOND where you think you can go.
I can go really, really, really far, and he hasn’t even CLOSELY approached my limits yet. He’ll probably never reach it, but if he does… I know he’ll push me right through it!”
“Hey, Kenny Atchison here from! I read Clint Arthur’s book, Break Through Your Upper Limits on TV. RIGHT AWAY, I got booked on TV – actually, in a big city, in San Antonio.
To be honest, when I got this book, I thought “you know what? I’ll read it…” Typically in books, you’ll get some good ideas and then they’ll tease you to buy something else.
But I actually READ Clint’s book, and that alone helped me to get on TV. So I appreciate it. Great job!”
Hey, I’m Dr. Gil Mejia from Tampa, Florida, and I’m the Medical Director of Rejuvenate Your Life. This is my first Celebrity Launchpad with Clint Arthur.
I’m here in Las Vegas with a lot of CEOs. It was really, really an intense training, and you know what? It’s really good! Because they’re gonna train you under PRESSURE!
Look, I have some issues with my accent. And yet, despite that, I was able to book FIVE TV appearances! Just look at that, man! So, you know… just hang out! Life is short – don’t be cheap. Thank you Clint, and thank you Ali!
Hey, I’m Greg Williams, the Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert, and I just attended Clint Arthur’s Celebrity Launchpad.
I’ve been to a lot of coaching programs, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars throughout my career for good training…THIS is something that’s CREME de la CREME – that means ABOVE the rest! That means top shelf for SURE!
Truth be known, right now I’m contemplating opening my wallet again – and I know it’s going to require a lifestyle change for me, because I’m literally all over the world, and now my problem is trying to figure out exactly how I can incorporate what it is that I have learned just at THIS event, such that I could take my life to even higher heights.
But what’s most important to me, is I’m creating a LEGACY for my kids, and I see this as a path upon which I can sail higher, and at the same time give them MORE from which they can sail higher too.
I’m telling you, straight up, seriously, this thing, the Celebrity Launchpad that Clint Arthur and his lovely wife Ali have created, is above the rest. It is truly above the rest!
“I met Clint Arthur at Win The Storm in February — and honestly, his approach is very different, it’s very unorthodox… but it WORKS!
You know what: not only that, I also grew as an entrepreneur, I grew as a person… and I’m here at Harvard Club!
I mean, what can I say!? This really WORKS! I’m a believer — and so should YOU!”
“Hey, I’m Rondi Lambeth, and I just spoke here at the Harvard Club of Boston, where I got to be on stage with Caitlyn Jenner.
I posted my photo with Caitlyn Jenner to Instagram and Facebook, and within FIVE MINUTES, I had a member of the NFL Retired Players Association reach out to me asking if I would come and speak to ALL of the retired NFL players.
So if you get a chance to hook up with Clint Arthur at one of his events, I highly recommend that you do it!”
“Hey, I’m Jaina Jordan! This is my first time here at Harvard Club of Boston, and it was amazing! I got to meet so many people who are actually going to start helping me grow my coaching business.
I came here with my husband to support him — but in reality, I actually got my OWN personal growth out of all this.
Thanks to Clint Arthur and his wife Ali, they’re totally supportive of spouses who just come here to see what it’s all about. Because Clint & Ali allowed that to happen, I got to see what it’s all about — and now, I get to start my OWN journey of personal growth!”
“When I did my presentation 2 days ago, my closing went from 20% to 50% — because the ONLY difference between my previous seminars and THIS seminar, was I said: ‘This week, I’ll be in Virginia on TV; next week, I’ll be in Washington DC on TV. This is why I won’t be able to see you within one week. I’ll see you back in two weeks!’
All because of what I was taught in Clint Arthur’s Celebrity Launchpad.”
“Hey! I’m Rick Jordan, host of the ‘All In with Rick Jordan’ podcast. I’m an entrepreneur — and this is my second time being invited by Clint Arthur to speak at the Harvard Club of Boston. I’m going to be back next year!
This is an amazing event where I’m able to network, and it’s just EXPANDING everything I do.
Heck — last year, Clint Arthur’s events have added another $500,000 in revenue to my businesses overall. If you’re not with Clint, you’re missing out!
This gives you the Status to put you in front of your customers & prospects on a much higher level. YOU GOTTA DO IT!”
“Hey, I’m Sue Mandell, and I have just finished the most amazing event at the Harvard Club of Boston. I spoke HERE at the Harvard Club — and I did that because of Clint Arthur!
The only reason I’m getting the type of Celebrity Attachment right now in my business is because Clint Arthur is holding my hand and taking me every step of the way.
Thank you so much, Clint! I appreciate all you’re doing.”
Hey, I’m Monica Main, and I’m a long time Dan Kennedy Titanium member – and I have to say coming into Clint Arthur’s Celebrity Launchpad is really actually transforming!
I came in kind of like as a wallflower, not really sure what to do… and I really kind of came out of my own element. It was originally kind of uncomfortable, but this is really transformational!
I’ve been hiring a publicist, $5,000 a month, and what a WASTE of money that is – so I decided to come here, take the bull by the horns, do it myself, and really… this is gonna be life-changing for me. You’re going to see me on TV everywhere!
I have such high hopes for this. I’m so so glad that I came. Thank you so much Clint – you’re the best!
“Hey, Kenny Atchison here from! I read Clint Arthur’s book, Break Through Your Upper Limits on TV. RIGHT AWAY, I got booked on TV – actually, in a big city, in San Antonio.
To be honest, when I got this book, I thought “you know what? I’ll read it…” Typically in books, you’ll get some good ideas and then they’ll tease you to buy something else.
But I actually READ Clint’s book, and that alone helped me to get on TV. So I appreciate it. Great job!”
Hey, I’m Dr. Gil Mejia from Tampa, Florida, and I’m the Medical Director of Rejuvenate Your Life. This is my first Celebrity Launchpad with Clint Arthur.
I’m here in Las Vegas with a lot of CEOs. It was really, really an intense training, and you know what? It’s really good! Because they’re gonna train you under PRESSURE!
Look, I have some issues with my accent. And yet, despite that, I was able to book FIVE TV appearances! Just look at that, man! So, you know… just hang out! Life is short – don’t be cheap. Thank you Clint, and thank you Ali!
Hey, I’m Greg Williams, the Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert, and I just attended Clint Arthur’s Celebrity Launchpad.
I’ve been to a lot of coaching programs, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars throughout my career for good training…THIS is something that’s CREME de la CREME – that means ABOVE the rest! That means top shelf for SURE!
Truth be known, right now I’m contemplating opening my wallet again – and I know it’s going to require a lifestyle change for me, because I’m literally all over the world, and now my problem is trying to figure out exactly how I can incorporate what it is that I have learned just at THIS event, such that I could take my life to even higher heights.
But what’s most important to me, is I’m creating a LEGACY for my kids, and I see this as a path upon which I can sail higher, and at the same time give them MORE from which they can sail higher too.
I’m telling you, straight up, seriously, this thing, the Celebrity Launchpad that Clint Arthur and his lovely wife Ali have created, is above the rest. It is truly above the rest!
I now have the courage and the desire and the “who-am-I?”… I’m a BAD-ASS! And I got LA! This time at Celebrity Launchpad is TONS DIFFERENT than my first time.
My first segment was “Creative Budget Structures for the Holidays.” WOOOOOAHHH… I got booked on almost every segment.
You know what, guys? That just shows you that Performance is more important than the topic, I think, because – I don’t know, it was a great topic – but I GOT BOOKED!
Titanium has really helped, because – I’m booked in LA. There is NO FREAKING WAY I am going to LA WITHOUT CLINT ARTHUR. That’s not happening… unless I’m, like, a rock star by then. But I want that security – because if you bomb in LA… holy CRAP! That would be *reaaaaaallly bad.*
For Clint Arthur’s Titanium Coaching, there’s always a way to make things work – because as everybody sits around with their ‘this,’ or their Starbucks, or their WHATEVER – if you want something bad enough (and I’m a lady about money!), money should never be something that stands in your way.
“Hey, I’m Rondi Lambeth, and I just spoke here at the Harvard Club of Boston, where I got to be on stage with Caitlyn Jenner.
I posted my photo with Caitlyn Jenner to Instagram and Facebook, and within FIVE MINUTES, I had a member of the NFL Retired Players Association reach out to me asking if I would come and speak to ALL of the retired NFL players.
So if you get a chance to hook up with Clint Arthur at one of his events, I highly recommend that you do it!”
“Hey, I’m Jaina Jordan! This is my first time here at Harvard Club of Boston, and it was amazing! I got to meet so many people who are actually going to start helping me grow my coaching business.
I came here with my husband to support him — but in reality, I actually got my OWN personal growth out of all this.
Thanks to Clint Arthur and his wife Ali, they’re totally supportive of spouses who just come here to see what it’s all about. Because Clint & Ali allowed that to happen, I got to see what it’s all about — and now, I get to start my OWN journey of personal growth!”
“Hey, I’m Gaye Montgomery, and I am speaking from the Harvard Club of Boston. I first met Clint Arthur and his lovely wife Ali a week ago, and Clint’s creative approach to Authority Marketing … frankly, as a lawyer, I was a little suspicious.
Clint’s promises kind of made me go, “Really!? REALLY!?!?” But by the time I left that meeting, I was fully persuaded.
Now, as I am finishing up 3 days at the Harvard Club of Boston… Clint and Ali are the REAL DEAL. They have created such a unique community of business leaders who somehow coalesced into a supportive, encouraging, non-competitive group, like none I have EVER seen before.
I came into this thinking “Really!? Can this be REAL???” — and it’s real! I highly recommend Clint Arthur’s programs.“
“Here I am at another absolutely fabulous Clint & Ali event at the Harvard Club of Boston. This time, though, it was EXTRA special — and there’s a whole lot of specialness that comes with it, because I came with my son Jordan Lee, who, after graduating from Yale College in 2017, is now off to his permanent job at MacKenzie.
One of the things that’s been really important to me is to make sure that his *business education* is not only well grounded, but also multifaceted. To learn from a master — and Clint Arthur really IS a master — how to literally make something out of whole cloth, into something that is in high demand, that sells at Premium Prices… that’s a good education for a young man!
I have worked hard to get him to rely not on even a FABULOUS job opportunity, but to rely more on his own ability to see Opportunity, create Wealth, and in the process, help others to do the same.
And that’s why the Clint Arthur Harvard experience was worth it to me.
Thankfully, my son got smart, and it was worth it to him to come here and learn. It’s been FABULOUS, fabulous, fabulous, fabulous… I am now thinking about my NEXT child!”
Hey! I’m Matt Brauning, speaker/author/coach. I run my own training and seminar companies, and I’ve done so for 15 years. I’ve hired a lot of coaches – in fact, I hire a coach every single year – and this year, I hired Clint Arthur and his lovely wife Ali. Clint started off as my media coach…and I love it! It was the best thing I ever did, especially this year.
This is my second time coming back to Celebrity Launchpad. On my first Celebrity Launchpad, I booked 6 appearances – and I ended up getting EIGHT after all, because Ali and Clint helped me (and they actually care!)
This is my 2nd time coming back, and I booked another SIX – and it’ll probably turn into 8 or 9, so that means I’m gonna be in the range of like 15 TV appearances on NBC/ABC/CBS – and I got 2 or 3 Fox bookings just today! So super excited about that!
The biggest thing I want to say is… Clint, Ali, thank you. You are the only coaches TRULY that I’ve had in the last 15 years that I can unequivocally say *care* more than I do about my success – and I care a lot! I’ve made more money because of it, I’ve raised my coaching rates because of the TV appearances, and all the way through it’s been consistent!
I’ve also done other speaking gigs: I’ve spoken at Harvard Club with them, Nasdaq, and the New York City Bar. Every step of the way, whether it’s the video production, or how they lay out the event, or the schedule, the timing, the communication … it’s consistent, it’s professional – and like I said, they care, and I get the results because of it. Thanks Clint & Ali!
Hey guys! This is Dr. Catrise Austin, The Queen of Smiles™! I am here in Las Vegas for the 2nd time of my Celebrity Launchpad – Clint & Ali are SO amazing, and this program is amazing!
I did this program in 2017, and I’m back because I just wanted to take this thing to another level.
Sometimes, you do things and you kind of slack off, or you don’t implement. THIS time, I wanted to come back, I have a new product, I’ve restructured my business – and THIS TIME, I did even BETTER than the first time, because I had the training, and I was able to implement everything I’ve learned over the last 2 years.
If you’re out there, and you’ve done it once, and you’re thinking about doing it again but you’re not sure, let me tell you: this thing is ALWAYS evolving! My 1st Celebrity Launchpad was totally different from this one.
So if you’re thinking about it, DO IT! I booked MORE shows this time, and I’m so excited to get out there and become even MORE of a superstar than I am today. I want to thank you, Clint & Ali, for being a dynamic duo and transforming my life. Love you guys!
You guys, if YOU don’t do Celebrity Launchpad with Clint Arthur, YOU’RE CRAZY!
“IT WAS GREAT! As always! Clint Arthur always over-delivers and makes a FABULOUS event for everyone. If you haven’t come yet… shame on you! And if you REALLY want to up your game and you want to see Dr. Oz, your butt better be in the Harvard seat in 2020!”
“Hey Clint! Since speaking at Nasdaq, my tax & financial strategy business has doubled. Thanks, Clint!”
Olga Voloshina: “Signing up for Clint Arthur’s Experts Summit at Harvard Club was the SCARIEST decision we’ve ever made… but it’s the most amazing, the most INTENSE sky-rocketing event that is just full of energy!
If you don’t feel any better after this event, I don’t know what else can make you feel better — but this was A-MA-ZING because of Clint. He actually wrote my speech! I thought I had no stories… but he got MY story for me!
It was just really really great. We had an amazing time. It’s the scariest moment of my life, but it was GREAT. And by the way, getting with Clint Arthur and speaking here is very ADDICTIVE! I wanna do it again…and again…and again…”
“Hey, it’s Peng Joon here, and I decided to come and speak at NASDAQ, because Clint Arthur is AMAZING at creating experiences.
Look, I’ve spoken at a lot of different stages all over the world. But the 1 thing that Clint has always delivered is creating these Experiences that will last a long time!
If you have a message and a voice, and you feel compelled to share the message within you, and you want to be able to reach more people, have more Impact, Influence and Income, you’ve gotta work with Clint.”
Hey, I’m Dr. Ana-Maria Temple and I am a member of Freedom Practice Coaching. I am here at Celebrity Launchpad – this has been an absolutely A-MAZ-ING experience!
It was about almost a year ago when I saw Clint Arthur on stage talking about this opportunity. I didn’t know what to make of it, I wasn’t sure… and THEN, he put up a whole slideshow of these FABULOUS doctors that are doing these amazing things and CRUSHING it in the market. I said, “I’m gonna beat THEM one day” — and that’s only been a few months ago! I signed up with Clint.
My other dream was, I need to be on TV, because *I know* a lot of people think “social media is the thing…” but TV’s Not Dead, folks! I was like “I’m gonna be on TV” – ‘cause if it’s on TV, people BELIEVE it, and they change!
I signed up with Clint Arthur – and here I am at Celebrity Launchpad #44 in Las Vegas. I’ve booked 11 out of 12 shows, including the BIGGEST markets in the country, like LA, Chicago, Orlando, which is national syndicated TV – because I’m taking over the world with Clint Arthur’s help!
If you think that you don’t need this, you’re FOOLING yourself! It is great to have business coaches – *absolutely* they’ve taught me a million things that I need to do… Clint Arthur brings in the Marketing that takes your business to the next level. So don’t even think about it: Sign Up. It’s been a game-changer.
After this event, I went and did my first 5 appearances – cause I was shocked that all the producers emailed back and said “great!” – and they actually wanted to HAVE me! The little voice inside my head said “they’re not gonna want me…” but they all said YES.
After I got my first 5 appearances done, I immediately deployed it. The way I did it: sure, I put it on the website and YouTube and everything… but ONE of the things I did, is if you speak or teach or coach or anything at all for a living, which I know a lot of us do, I made one slide in my PowerPoint, my next presentation, where I just put 5 clips, just screen grabs of me on NBC/ABC/CBS – and I put those on.
Now, in my PowerPoint, when I say “Who am I?” I say “here’s the picture of me with selfies … and here’s a picture of me with my family … “ and then I go “OH – and I do TV and media all the time and I have a picture of me on TV” – BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM…
I took my OWN elite package pricing — and DOUBLED IT. Usually I sell one package, maybe two… I sold FOUR at that event, so not only did I double the amount of sales, I also doubled the DOLLAR amount of sales … which came out to a $200,000 difference in revenue.
I believe that was 100% because Clint pushed me to deploy the TV assets, and I’m glad I did.
Hey, I’m Dr. Minni Malhotra, and I’m here at Clint Arthur’s Extreme VIP Speaker Training.
Now, what brought me back here? 1 year ago, I was closing less than 30% in my dinner seminars. Today, I’m closing more than 60%! – because of the training Clint has given me, because of speaking at big events including the Harvard Club of Boston, Nasdaq, West Point, Mercedes, Coca-Cola… you name it!… and I even signed up for the NEXT 3 events!
So if you are looking to change your business, if you’re looking to bring your business to the next level, This Is Where You Have To Be! Thank you, Clint!
Clint: Chavous Camp, you came to Celebrity Launchpad & observed a year ago, and now, you finally went through it. How do you feel?
Chavous Camp: I feel A-MAZ-ING! I got booked today by not 1, not 3… SIX (6) producers, including one in a TOP-3 market! It’s amazing!
If you’re thinking about coming to Clint Arthur’s Celebrity Launchpad, you absolutely NEED to come.
Have a few moments of GUTS – and SIGN UP TO-DAY!
Hey, I’m Leon Brie. I just graduated from Celebrity Launchpad, and I thought it was… awesome! Perfect! Nothing like I’ve experienced before!
Clint delivers and OVER-delivers, it’s just… you know, you can’t compare his event to anything else!
“Hey, Will Nobles here. I actually posted my Jimmy Carter photo on LinkedIn, and I’ve got the MOST views I’ve ever had of any post I ever did on LinkedIn – thank you Clint!”
“I did my first event with Clint & Ali on February 11, 2019. September 11 will be my 7th month-versary with Clint & Ali – and at that first Clint Arthur Nasdaq event, there were 40-something people in the room. I was sitting at the first row, then I was in the second row, and then I was in the LAST row… and as the day went on I was getting more & more petrified!
Finally, Ali said to me “you’re next after this one” – and I was all excited! I’m like “I’m gonna crush this!” I practiced a lot, I was so excited, I did my Tony Robbins Power Move… I went up there and Clint says:
“… the president and founder of Toss C3 Corporation, GREG HANNA!”
and as I’m walking up there, I felt like a baby… my knees were knocking!… I mean I was SO SCARED! I thought I was gonna throw up, pass out, I didn’t know what was gonna happen, I almost faltered!
But SOMEHOW, I made it to the podium, and I got through it. I can tell you now, today, well sure – “you still get a little butterflies!” Right? As Clint says… Elvis said: “Honey, every time I get up on stage, I still feel them butterflies."
So anyway, I just wanted to say THANK YOU. I’ve stretched way outside my comfort zone. and it was a great night last night, and we went to some amazing places with some amazing friends — we’ve had an amazing time, and I learned a lot about a lot of you. But don’t worry – it’s still in Vegas, and it’ll Stay in Vegas!”
See More Reviews on Clint Arthur's YouTube Channel
“Personal Branding Is More Important Than Ever:” Read about Clint Arthur in his feature on
Clint Arthur, “The Most Famous Guy in the World that Nobody’s Ever Heard Of,” on CalBizJournal
Clint Arthur‘s Celebrity Launchpad in Forbes
Clint Arthur Reviews in The Wall Street Journal: “Meet The Guy Who Gets Financial Advisors Appearances at Harvard and West Point”
Clint Arthur has made 120+ interview appearances on network TV News & Talk Shows all across America, including on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, The CW, CNN, FOX Business Network’s Mornings with Maria, and even on The TODAY Show where he was interviewed by Brooke Shields & Willie Geist.
You can also find Clint’s latest news published in print on ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX news network sites. Here are his press releases including links to news publications:
350 5th Ave, 59th Floor
New York, NY 10118
(212) 888-2999